Sunday, April 2, 2017

Barack's Economic Record. In A Word, Pitiful

On Thursday we closed the book on the Obama economic “miracle” — and it’s a miracle we are not in a recession.
Last week the Commerce Department released its third revision for fourth-quarter 2016 gross domestic product. The number came in at a paltry 2.1 percent, meaning that growth during President Obama’s final year in office — the end of an “Error of Hope” — landed with a big thud at just 1.6 percent.
That low-water mark puts the Obama presidency in last place among all the post-World War II presidents when it comes to economic growth.
There have been 13 post-WWII presidents, beginning with Harry Truman, who had the disadvantage of beginning in the aftermath of war in 1946, during which the economy contracted 11.6 percent — four times the contraction any other negative year since — and even he bested Obama’s economic record
New York Post

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