Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Feminization Of America Is Complete

Boy Scouts Will Admit Girls, Allow Them to Earn Eagle Scout Rank
(NBC News)

The Boy Scouts of America announced Wednesday that girls will soon be allowed
to become Cub Scouts and to earn the coveted ran.

Isn't this a joke? Is nothing sacred anymore? Will the Girl Scouts and Cubettes go to war? Will the GS still have cookie sales?

I was thinking back to my days in the Cub and Boy Scouts with the likes of Jude, Tim, Mark, Sweat and myself. In all seriousness, we would have verbally brutalized these girls. I mean, does a 7 year old really want a girl hanging around? Think about it. These young girls would have been so traumatized by us they would have been shivering and shaking in puddles of their own urine and deservedly so.

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