Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Dog Training Needed

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We've created a monster with our new pooch and I'm not certain how to handle it. Beginning the last four nights, when we put Charlie in his overnight cage(sleeping area) he starts yapping----continuously. Let me ask this; if any of you have a suggestion for solving let me know.

Chaz is used to the dwellings. In his four years with a previous owner he did the same; no problem.

One thing I do know is we should have named him Velcro instead of Charlie. He's permanently attached to us. Where we go he goes. When we sit on the couch he's in the Queen's lap or mine. If one of us walks to the garage he sprints there. Riding in the car, after eating, is his favorite activity. He isn't stupid, either. When I'm eating a snack or meal at the kitchen counter he's learned sooner or later a morsel of food will find its way to the floor. He thrives on my sloppiness.

We used to let him lie on our bed for an hour before we tucked him into his bed. Could it be we spoiled him? I suppose so. One night I fell asleep with him in our bed and he was in heaven. He stayed all night. That was bad on my part. He must have felt like he was sleeping on a hammock in Tahiti----on the beach.

It's the constant yap-yap-yapping that is a bother. Danged dog.

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