Tuesday, April 23, 2019

I Could've Won The Wisconsin Powerball

A 24 year old man boy won the $768 million dollar power ball. That's a chunk of change. It could have been me and I do have six degrees of separation with the kid. He's from New Berlin, Wisconsin. That community sent their kids to the school district in which I taught(in 1977-78)

The sad aspect of winning the Powerball in Wisconsin is that person(s) cannot remain anonymous. Can you imagine the number of former classmates, girlfriends, enemies, employment partners etc. who are going to come out of the woodwork looking for a handout instead of a hand up? He and his now girlfriend went together, sort of. She gave him some money to buy her tickets which were losers. His ten dollars in tickets got him the big banana.

I wonder how long his girlfriend will be along for the ride. If she isn't a 10 right now she'd better sign up for LA Fitness and join Jenny Craig. If she has a face that looked like it slept with a porcupine for the last six months she's in trouble.

I wouldn't want to win that kind of cash. Can you say blackmail? I know, in my 73 years I've pulled some real boners worthy of a call to The Queen.

The lad says he wants to do some good in the world with his new found bonanza. That could mean anything. He could bet on horses. Any money lost could buy plenty of oats. How about supporting a pole dancing young lady? Some of them have kids who need food and clothing. I would like to think he'll set up college scholarships for kids who can't afford school. He could start orphanages for homeless children. I know one. How about a movement to fund Right to Life?

It'll be interesting to see where he is and what he's doing in five, ten years. I'm not looking to forward to it. In ten years I'll probably be dead and could care less.

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