Monday, June 22, 2020

America's First Progressive President Canceled By New York

This may surprise some of you but the first progressive president was not a democrat. His name is Theodore Roosevelt and he was a Republican.

Roosevelt's laws helped bring about safety measures for American workers and helped bring Wall Street to its knees by eliminating some of their powers. It was a start. His actions were brought on by writers of the time. Think the book, The Jungle, which exposed the dangers of the meat packing industry. Actually, you might want to read it.

Anyway, a statue of Roosevelt was brought down with the permission of the New York City government. Roosevelts sin: The statue pictures him being flanked by a Native American and a black man.

This leads me to believe I could be easily canceled. One time my good buddy, Jeff, and I were golfing. Jeff's the best man I know and he's also African in heritage. Anyway, on the course I sunk a putt. Jeff reached down and pulled the ball out of the cup. I hate to think what would have happened if a news person had taken a photo at that instant; he being subserviant to me and all.

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