Monday, June 29, 2020

Kansas State Football Players Plan Boycott

A student at Kansas State University put a post on Facebook reading, "Congratulations to George Floyd for being drug free for a month."

The entire football team wants the young man to be expelled from the school and promised not to partake in any sports related activities until this action occurs.

Think about how ridiculous our society has become. Don't tell anyone but I forwarded this same wording a couple of weeks ago. I'm waiting for St. Brigid's Catholic Church in Dublin to give me the heave ho. Would this same action have occurred had said student posted, "Congratulations to Robin Williams for being drug free for six years?" We both know the answer.

What do I believe will occur? A number of things and they all mean appeasement. This situation gives new meaning to the words of Neville Chamberlin.

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