Monday, June 29, 2020

What's In A Name?

We're all aware of the required name changes by the social justice warriors. The latest deals with the word 'Master'. There's a movement afoot to get rid of The Masters golf tournament and call it Augusta National Golf Tournament. This one, I believe, won't fly. Condoleeza Rice is a member of Augusta and that counts for something.

The Houston Real Estate Asso. decided to eliminate the word master from all descriptions referring to homes as in, the master bedroom.

I've never attended a Broadway play but as I recall there was a smash hit a number of years ago titled, 'Les Miserables'. Do you remember the lead song? It was 'Master of the House'. You can kiss that one good-bye.

I suspect Master Lock Co. will change their name. You remember them. They run a commercial showing a bullet being shot through one of their locks and it stays that way, locked. I don't know what their new name will be; maybe lock with a hole in it.

And finally, there's a bigger problem with the M word and this one has been around for thousands of years. In the event young children are reading this piece I'll clean it up a bit. What in God's name will the SJW group force on us for the word M----bation. That, my friends is heady stuff worthy of Webster's input.

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