Friday, June 26, 2020

Rethinking Our National Anthem

As one might suspect there's a movement to eliminate our national anthem. The most suggested replacement is John Lennon's song 'Imagine'. Yeah sure, a national anthem that hopes for no God. That'll work.

Anyway, if you've ever attended a National Hockey League game involving the US and a team from Canada you know that anthems from both countries are played. It's worked for many years with respect shown for both.

Blacks might start a movement on what they would desire for their anthem. It could be played before all sporting events. If I put my mind to it I'm sure I could come up with something acceptable but it's not my job because I'm privileged.

"Swing Low Sweet Chariot' has already been nixed. I'm not certain why. I doubt 'Mammy' would work since it was first sung by Al Jolsen in black face in a 1920's Hollywood film called the Jazz Singer.
Image result for al jolson blackface movie

Because it's one of those days I have little to do(except take Charlie to the groomer for the first time since the virus) I decided to research possible anthems for our black brethren. There's a problem. Most all of the 22 suggest freedom instead of hope and gratitude.

Regardless, Here's the list.

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