Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A Bidenism: Knowingly Telling A Lie


* Biden claimed he attended Delaware State, an Historically Black College. He didn’t.

* Biden claimed to have marched for Civil Rights. He didn’t.

* Biden claimed he participated in the worship and Civil Rights activities of an all-Black Baptist church in Wilmington Delaware when he was a teenager. He didn't.

* Biden claimed to have graduated in the top half of his law class. He graduated near the bottom — number 76 out of 85 students.

* Biden claimed to be the first person in his family to go to college. He wasn’t.

* Biden claimed he attended college on a full academic scholarship. He didn’t.

* Biden claimed he graduated with three degrees. If one counts his law school degree, he graduated with two.

* Biden claimed he immediately opposed the Iraq War. He didn’t.

* Biden claimed he called Slobodan Milosevic a “war criminal” to his face. He didn’t.

* Biden claimed the Obama administration did not pull illegal alien children in “cages.” They did.

* Biden claimed there were no major Civil Rights disturbances when he was VP. That is false. Race riots ensued in Ferguson MO after a cop killed Michael Brown.

* Biden claimed his wife and daughter were killed by a drunk driver. The driver was not only sober; he also was not responsible for the accident. According to investigators, Biden’s late wife ran a red light and caused the accident.

* Biden claimed a helicopter he was flying in was “forced down” when touring Afghanistan near where bin Laden was supposedly holed up. The helicopter landed to wait out a snowstorm.

* Biden said he was a coalminer. He wasn’t.

* Biden claimed he was “shot at” in Iraq. He wasn’t.

* Biden claimed he was arrested in Soweto South Africa. He wasn’t.

* Biden claimed he'd been trying to visit Nelson Mandela while he was in prison. He also said, he actually did meet Mandela, not only at the time, but later in Washington, where Mandela thanked him. None of it happened.

*Biden claims he is a devout Catholic. He isn't

* Biden claims his sons laptop was a set-up by the Russians at the insistence of Trump

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