Friday, October 30, 2020

Do You Watch Morning Joe?

 Joe Scarborough and his wife, Mika(I'm too lazy to look up her maiden names proper spelling) have a show on MSNBC called 'Morning Joe'. I've never watched for a second but he made a statement yesterday that was laughable if not outright stupid.(I'm sure there's a more applicable word than stupid but it'll suffice).

I'm sure you've heard there was an attack inside a Catholic Church in Nice France two days ago. A 60 year old woman was decapitated by a 21 one year old Muslim using a very large knife. Two others were stabbed to death. It was horrendous. If you live in the U.S. prepare for the onslaught coming soon. Anyway, the murderer, before he was shot by police yelled out--------and you know what's coming, 'Allah Akbar'.

Well, Joe, in his infinite wisdom stated on his show, "We don't yet know the motive for the attack."

It's no wonder the show has viewing numbers made of of family dogs lying in front of the television trying to take a morning nap.

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