Tuesday, October 27, 2020

If You Have A Lazy Stupid Kid Move To San Diego

 The dumbing down of America has led to the wussification of America in San Diego. The School Board in its infinite wisdom has changed a couple of grading rules to meet needs of their students in these times of PanicDema crisis.

Let's say little Billy is caught cheating on an exam. It's not a problem. The test doesn't count against him. The zero might cause irreparable damage to his psyche.

Also, if an assignment is due on a specific day and it isn't handed in that's okay. The school willl give the student the next day to turn it in. My guess as a former teacher and parent is the kid can probably go the next day and there won't be any repurcussion. The reason: "Who knows what turmoil the student is facing at home. Is it possible the COVID is causing mental distractions?

As for grading: don't have it anymore.This is a benefit for Black students said the school board. They are at a disadvantage when it comes to learning.

And the liberal education beat goes on.

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