Tuesday, November 3, 2020

How To Fall Asleep In 2 Minutes

 If you follow me on this blog you already know I'm notorious for not being able to fall asleep quickly. Her Majesty was lying next to me three nights ago after watching a Netflix. We said 'Goodnight' and exactly thirty seconds later(give or take a second) I asked her a question and she'd already got to Zombieland.

I was amazed but also irritated. Why is it I go to bed at 9 and sometimes toss and turn until 2 or 3 in the morning? I know the answer. It's because I do all the wrong things. I'll look at my smart phone. This is bad because I'll read an article that gets me riled. I'll start off on my left side, then flip to my right side then onto my stomach and this routine goes on until the proverbial cows come home. 

I came across a video this morning that tells you how to fall asleep in two minutes. I know it works because I've done it before but being the nitwit I am I forgot about it. 

When I was in high school I was speaking to my basketball coach discussing the same problem; not being able fall asleep. He suggested I lie in bed and block every thought from my mind and remain motionless. Then I should tell myself not to move my toes; they become so tired, in my mind, that I can't. Then I should work my way up toward my head; legs, torso, chest, arms, neck, head and before I know it I'm in La-La Land. 

This video takes the exact opposite tact. Actually, I tried it twice in the last couple of months and it worked but, as I told you, I'm a nitwit, and forgot about it. I have slight variation, though. I surround myself with all types of pillows, six in all ranging from ultra soft to tombstone hard. Hey! I call it my pillow fetish. The hard ones I wrap my arms around. The soft one I sleep on. Don't laugh. It's much better than having sex with small dogs and cats. One aspect of this is it's extremely important for me to have my pillows remain cool. There's nothing worse than sleeping on a hot pillow so I'm constantly flipping them over.

I'm jealous of folks who can lie down and fall asleep. I make a full time job out of it.

Anyway, give this three minute video a look see. I do believe it'll help.https://smartside.me/health/fall-asleep-2-minutes?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=/health/fall-asleep-2-minutes&utm_content=48542&d=48542&o=1681&c=2901919

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