Monday, November 16, 2020

We Were Cheated

 It's amazing to me that more Americans aren't up in arms at the obvious coup taking place in this country. When one looks at the voting patterns; Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, suburban woman, white males, there is no way Joe Biden won the election. Yet, even the phony Republicans are caving. Gov. Mike DeWine of my state of Ohio went on national television to announce Trump should give it up. My question for DeWine is, why don't you take care of Ohio and keep your yap shut?

I attened a 'Stop the Steal' rally at the Ohio Capitol building. There were at least 500 patriots in attendance. Oh yeah, we got rowdy alright. The meeting started with a prayer for our country then one for the president. The leader of the rally read notes of three pages. In it he interspersed history, God, and the president telling us how we should never give up.

There were all stripes of folks; Black, Oriental, Hispanic and even Whites. We didn't burn or loot. We didn't shout obsceneties. We did cheer and sing songs. One lady led the Pledge of Allegiance. People placed their hand over their hearts. Then it was followed the singing of The Star Spangled Banner. 

In attendance were two of our foes; one was a guy around 22. He held up a hand made sign reading, 'Trump is a Pedo'. The other was a rather rotund, really rotund female wearing a pro-choice mask. They were ignored by all even though they were situated in the mix. 

As one who loves my country, one who appreciates the Founders of our nation, my heart breaks over the following: people who would allow us to become a Banana Reublic and don't care, those who are happy Trump would be removed from office by an means necessary even if the Constitution is violated, people who go on with their lives oblivious to the crime that has and is taking place and, like sheep, follow along with the group aimlessly.

There is no possible way Donald Trump can be 700,000 votes ahead in Pennsylvania with a million to be counted and he doesn't win. Biden's votes were mail-in and he received 469,000 at night in Michigan with none for Trump. Even Virginia is circumspect. Wisconsin discovered a box of 65,000 votes after the polls closed and all were for Biden. It's not possible. There are verifiable examples of this all across the nation.

Ladies and gentlemen, if Joe Biden was selected fair and square in this election I could handle it. If not, then we live in a nation no better than Venezuela or as Joe Stalin said, "It's not who votes. It's who counts the votes."

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