Tuesday, November 17, 2020

"You Can't Cure The Common Cold"

 Did you know when I was a little kid in the late 1940's people got colds? They had the sniffles. Their noses were stuffed up. A bad cold could put a person in bed. Some even came down with what was callled a fever. The strange thing is after a few days this cold went away. What these sickies had was a virus. There's nothing a person can do to avoid getting a virus. The virus bugs fly around and all of a sudden slam into someone causing distress.

When I got colds I stayed in the house. People with TMCS(Too Much Common Sense) do this then when they feel better they resume their normal routines. 

Our Ohio governor, Republican Mike DeWine, was initally a hero in the country for the way he reacted to Coronavirus. Now he's considered a sissy boy.

Dewine initiated new statewide laws yesterday, or was it the day before? Anyway, there is a statewide curfew from 10 

pm to 5 am. This is good because we all know the virus goes into hibernation in the other hours not in his dictum. At a press conference a news journalist actually asked a pointed question. "Why are the curfew laws the way they are?" DeWine's answer was not exactly what I would call astute. He said, "Because it's common sense." What? "Mike, what is common sensical about this, considering that a virus is in the atmosphere 24/7?"

DeWine has turned into Gov. Gretchen Whitmer from Michigan. Three days ago she said all sports activities are cancelled except for professional and college sports. This is like saying all cigarettes are banned but cigars and marujuana joints are A-OK. If she wanted to get kudos she would have shut down Michigan and Michigan State football. Those guys suck.

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