Sunday, April 4, 2021

Do As I Say Not As I Do

 Whenever there's a change in administrations one can count on people being named to positions in government who financially supported a candidate or did an act to promote said person regardless of their talents and skills. The latter is the case with Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, who is now the Sec. of Transportation. Pete is eminently qualified for this job due to the fact that he once rode a city bus on the streets of South Bend.

Regardless, I have a video of the boy wonder from this past week. He was driving, chauffeured of course, by government agents on his way to his office. When he got within four blocks of work his vehicle came to a halt, a bicycle was pulled from the top of the car and he got out and rode the rest of the way on the invention of the Wright Bros. 

What a maroon! Don't these people, any people, realize there are cameras on every street corner? It's good that he wore his protective helmet otherwise a bird might have pooped on his boyish head.

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