It's a beautiful Easter Sunday in Dublin Ohio, sunny skies, temperatures in the seventies with a gorgeous day ahead of us. It is truly Glorious in all His splendor.
I once had a person ask me, "What is of most importance in the Christian Church(Catholic), Christmas or Easter?" That's a great question. Christmas is good because we get a lot of presents while Easter, in comparison, isn't so due to the fact we only receive crummy chocolate eggs.
Other than this I'd have to say the most revered day in the Christian faith is Easter. Jesus could have come to earth in any form or in any way. He could have descended here in an air balloon if He desired. But, the fact that He died on the cross for mankind to save us for all eternity to be with His Father is what it's all about.
The thing about Christianity compared to other religions is tantamount to a complete understanding of our faith. There are literally hundreds of religious beliefs and they were founded by any number of chosen, so they think, men, with emphasis on men.
Jesus Christ is the only person who founded a religion, Christianity, who literally died for his followers.
So, put that in your pipe and smoke it, Confucius.
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