Tuesday, April 13, 2021

To Get In Shape Or Not

Being a slob at age 75 is no fun. I've been there before and after awhile kick myself in gear. I'm doing it again. Four times I went on Jenny Craig but only did it because my company paid for it. Five years ago I went on a self-imposed no sugar no carb diet. In 80 days I went from 225 to 178. I could walk like a gazelle, forget about running. 

Last week I started Nutrisystem. Comparabley, Jenny's food tastes better unless you like your snacks and meals tasting like paste. But that's just me. I've cheated twice; late night snacks on both occasions.

There's always an impetus to losing weight. In my closet I have a number of sports jackets and suits. Only one, a blue blazer fit. When I arrived in Florida for a funeral and put on that jacket it wouldn't button. 

The Queen is happy. She won't have to cook for me. I'll do this for two months then copy the diet on my own and hopefully by the end of June I'll be at 192. I could live with that. My underwear will be relieved and I can throw away my brassieres. They'll be ecstatic with joy.

Wish me luck. I'm absolutely 100% certain a year from now I'll be looking at Jenny again.

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