Wednesday, August 31, 2022

That Certainly Was A Quick 57 Years

Somehow, in 1965, yours truly was initiated into Sigma Nu fraternity at Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. On or about the year 2000 the fellow one person back on the right and MJ Hawkeye decided it'd be a good idea if we had a yearly golf outing/get together. Well, we didn't it again this past week and the strangest thing  happened. I noticed the guys are looking despicably ancient while I have yet to age. 

Our gatherings usually occur in the Chicagoland area since Coe seemed to grab these fellas. I don't know why the boys from the northern suburbs of Illinois gravitated to 'The Rapids' but they did.

For a long time I felt somewhat intimidated at these events. One of the fellas worked for Warren Buffett for five years then was let go with a nice $5 million dollar severance package. Two years later Buffett came calling again with another job offer and this one last four years with yet another multi million dollar package. He's a good guy and I'm happy for him. As for the other fellas they all did better in life than the previously mentioned but one would never know it from our conversations and treatment of others.

Regardless, we gathered again and golfed, if one can call it that. The best of the lot is 78 years old but he has an unfair advantage since he owns one home in Palm Springs, California. 

The very best aspect of the three day affair? Not once, not even for one second, did I hear the name of Biden, Trump, Kamala, frigging rotten communist Democrats, etc. We had fun and we reminisced about the days when we were virile and in the throes of our youth.

Oh, don't look for me in the picture. I'm the one who took it. I will tell you this, though. I won the award for most hair and it wasn't even close.

Sigma Nu Snakes forever or at least until we all croak.

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