Monday, September 30, 2019

When Being A Skinflint Is Good

Can you believe it? I've been called a skinflint twice in my life. This hurt because I'm anything but.

What I am though is one who is on the lookout for bargains. Why should I spend more than necessary on products when I can use the cash for the benefit of my grandchildren?

I've written before about buying groceries with name brands when one can purchase the same store brand product for a few dollars less. I've mentioned how I go to the Dollar Store to buy birthday cards; the ones people read in ten seconds then throw them garbage.

I need hearing aids, can't hear a lick without them. I buy them at Costco. If you happen to be fortune enough to have a Costco nearby you'd be wise to spend the $60 on a membership. Heck, I filled my tank this morning for $2.34 per gallon. They're always 30 cents less the others. My hearing aids for a year supply cost $8.29. If I bought a weeks worth at Walgreen's it's be the same price.

I like to shop bargains. When one is elderly what else is there to do?

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