Friday, January 27, 2023

Police Brutality

 This night the nation is focusing on police brutality in Memphis Tennessee. A young man was murdered;  brutally murdered according to video. The city of Memphis is on edge. Trust me when I write it'll spread across the nation thanks to Black Lives Matter and Antifa inflamed by politicians and their disgust. There is already organized violence happening in Portland, Seattle, LA, New York City, Atlanta. It all began at the same time. Someone is in charge, calling the shots. If I had to put my money on one single person I'd finger George Soros but that's just me yapping.

Think back two years and a couple of weeks. I submit the worst form of police brutality on record was what was done on January 6 or 2021. Our administration and Democrats perpetuate the notion five policemen were killed by demonstrators. It's a lie. The only ones killed were innocent Americans at the hands of government sponsored thugs. The truth will out.

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