Tuesday, October 23, 2018

'Fair Share' Reality Check

'Fair Share' Reality Check: The Top Three Percent Paid More Than Half of All Federal Income Taxes

Fifty percent of the American people pay nothing in federal taxes.

I made a visit to the early voting center in Columbus to pick up a couple of sample ballots for the Queen and I. The place was loaded with goobers in blue t-shirts passing out their information. One fella, however, looked like he knew the alphabet so I stopped to ask him a question. I said, "I'm a Republican. Change my mind". I wanted to know specifics on what the Dems stood for. He told me social justice. I don't know what that means and asked him to give me specifics. He then said they'd clean up the corruption in Washington D.C. When I mentioned that corruption had been around since the time of George Washington he said it is the worst it's ever been with the guy now occupying the White House. It was then I brought up the corruption, lying and scandals of the last guy in office. He was having nothing to do with that. In other he didn't know Bo Diddly.

Speaking of a know nothing I would be willing to make a fair wager the citizens of each state are clueless to the name of the Representative in the House. If 15% knew the answer to this I'd be surprised and don't even get me started on folks who can't name their senators. This information comes to us via polling which is about as fake as it gets. For instance, I heard the results of a poll on our 50,000 watt WTVN this afternoon. The newscaster stated 51% of the American people are against the human armada coming to our border. Are you kidding me? Do you like to pollsters? I did when I had a landline. It this stat is true then the 'for' refugee people should house them but you know that's a joke.They'd want the government to take care of them and since these mongrels don't pay taxes what the hey!

Predictions are quite ridiculous but I'll go ahead and make one. I was rummaging through some old papers from 2102. I made a prediction then that even if Obama was re-elected he would lose more members in the House, the Senate and legislatures across the land. I was more than correct. He is the owner of the greatest amount of losses in history, over 1,200 to be precise.

I have a prediction of the aftermath of the November 6 election. If the Democrats fail to retake the House I predict the old guard, Pelosi and her followers will resign. She'll be done and furthermore the Democrat Party will be further walling in the mud of their failures. You read it here first.

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