Monday, October 29, 2018

Guns In Churches

There's a Catholic Church in the burb next to us, St. Joan of Arc in Powell, Ohio. They have planted on the grass in front of the church 300 white crosses. These denote the number of abortions performed daily in the Buckeye State.

I'd never been to this church before so I gave them my business. As I walked in I noticed two armed police officers in the vestibule. I don't know if this was in response to the Pittsburgh shooting or if it's been going on for some time.

Actually, in this time, it seems like a good idea. It's surprising to me that a mass murderer hasn't attempted to do his work on Catholics before. When JFK was running it would have been the perfect time except that crud didn't happen too often in those days.

The Mayor of Pittsburgh denounced having guns in houses of worship. People in Toledo, Ohio can put signs up in their house windows showing a gun inside a circle with a lateral line drawn through it saying, 'not in our home'.

Schools are providing buckets for classrooms filled with large rocks so kids can throw them at shooters.

I didn't get a real charge out of Joan of Arc. It was like any other Mass. What I did get out of the experience was peace of mind, not looking over my shoulder and that counts for something.

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