Friday, March 23, 2018

These Guys Have Too Much Time On Their Hands

Call naive but normally give credit to women for off the wall protests. Of course, I'm talking about the 'pussy hat brigade'. Naw, I have to credit both sexes. PETA does weirdo demonstrations and then there are the protesters who sequester themselves in trees about to be felled.

Here come the guys in their uniforms. It's their job to protest circumcisions. Well done, fellas.
Their first protest is in Charlotte NC this week-end. There's room for a bad joke, politically incorrect, of course but, hey, it's me. I won't go into detail but the words, gay, foreskin and bubble gum come to mind.

Bloodstained Men & Their Friends wear all white and paint red splotches on their groins to protest infant circumcision. Some of the group's members are pictured 

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