Thursday, July 15, 2021

93,000 And Counting

 Bring 'em in. Bring 'em all in except for Cubans trying to escape with their lives. Isn't that amazing that the head of Health and Human Services, Alejandro Mayorkas, said Cubans should not come to the U.S. If caught they will be sent back home(to die). Mayorkas parents escaped from Cuba immediately after Castro took over. The mind boggles, doesn't it?

In the year 2020 the U.S. saw 93,330,000 opioid deaths. In my county of Franklin in Ohio there were only 588 many who were mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles and friends. I wonder why the opioid deaths rose 30% from the previous year. Gee, I wish I wasn't a Phy. Ed Major. Then I could come up with an answer. Oh, these figures come from the CDC and we all know their power. It's like Moses revealing the Ten Commandments.

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