Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Texas Gov. Wannabe, Wendy Davis, A Real Doozy

Are you familiar with Wendy Davis? She's a Texas legislator who gained fame for doing what Ted Cruz did in the US Senate. She had a filibuster calling for abortions in Texas at any time, even after a life birth. Cruz only wanted to keep one-sixth of the economy from going broke. The liberal media called her a genuine heroine while Cruz was proclaimed a dufus. She claimed that,  because she was a single mother who didn't learn how to keep her legs closed, she should be praised as a heroine against the 'War of Women'. Now, poor Wendy is in a pickle because she seemingly embellished her personal resume by saying she paid her way through Harvard all by her itty bitty self. We now know that Ms. Davis had her then husband cash in his 401K, take the cash, and pay off her college debts. She then then moved out of their home the next day. Hmmm! Isn that kind of like what prostitutes do? If that would have been a man pulling this stunt NOW would have put out an APB for Lorena Bobbit. Oh, and Mr. Davis, after the divorce, was awarded custody of his two children; something to do with her being an adulteress.
Yesterday, sweet Wendy claimed her Republican opponent for governor in Texas was making too big a deal about this and was fomenting lies against her.

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