Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Guess Who's Really Running The Country

 It's now an open secret: Joe Biden is a puppet and being controlled by a cast of many. On Sunday there took place the annual Easter egg roll for the children. There was there, too, along with his 'supporters'.

Yep! We now know the person in charge of our nuclear codes. It's the Easter Bunny. Underneath that wonderful costume is a young woman by the name of Meghan Hayes. One would think the hiring for such a position might be a homeless person groveling for dollars on a corner street but, no, Ms. Hayes is a White House staffer who answers directly to the Oval Office. When I say the person running the country is she you'd understand if you watched the video of Joe being led around and taken away from questioners as he attempted to answer questions 'off the cuff'. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/easter-bunny-retrieves-biden-wanders-off-talk-children-blocks-press-asking-biden-questions-video/

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