Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A Pattern Of Behavior

Harvey Weinstein started his pattern of sexual assault two years ago. It had been going on for years. Sexual predators have a long history of attacking women.

Two liberal activist wackos have accused Brett Kavanaugh of seemly behavior when he was in high school and at Yale. They're supposed to be believed because women don't lie.

Mr. Kavanaugh has been a judge for a very long time. I'm waiting for one of his employees to come out against him with credible evidence. At least sixty women, employed by Kavanaugh, have testified on his behalf.

Why in God's name would be so hell bent on destroying this mans life? Let me guess. Could have one iota of truth to say it might be the subject of abortion.

There's a new attack on Kavanaugh from classmates at Yale. Supposedly, he was a heavy drinker.
People, try and find me a college student who didn't imbibe, females included. It's now come to this; grasping at straws.

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