Friday, September 14, 2018

Things I Wonder About

It doesn't much matter which TV channel one watches when getting reports on Hurricane Florence. One certainty is there'll be a news reporter standing in the storm being pelted by torrential rains. I wonder if this poor schleb is the lowest person on the totem pole.(no offense to the Indigenous).

It just seems ridiculous to spend money to send some clown to the storm site. Why not have a camera showing the rain? It's like going to a zoo to take a picture of an elephant then the next day going to a different zoo to take a different picture of an elephant.

Did you know we have the mid-term elections coming up in November? I truly believe there's collusion between somebody in Washington D.C. and the networks to keep the cash coffers running. Why not do what other countries do? Start campaigning three months ahead of the voting day. Seriously, what can I learn about a candidate 18 months out that I don't know the day before?

And then, when the voting has been completed the dufus news people and political pundits will take an day off before they start ramming the presidential elections down our throat. People, many people, have to be making gazillions off this scenario.

Here's an off the wall suggestion I believe has great merit. Take any congressional district. If one lives outside that district they are not allowed to send money to a candidate. If a Senatorial race big money dilberts would not be allowed to send cash across the country to another candidate. It won't work, know why? Common sense.

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