Saturday, September 29, 2018

Whose Values Do You Trust

There are four people, Democrats, on the Senate Judiciary, who are leading the charge against Brett Kavanaugh.

Diane Feinstein employed a Chinese communist spy on her staff for thirty years and her husband earned millions from dealings with the Chinese.

Richard Blumenthal is a senator from Connecticut. He gained office by claiming he was a Viet Nam veteran in harms way. It is a lie. He wasn't there.

Sen.Tom Carper, Delaware admits that he once beat his wife.

And what about Sen. Kamala Harris from California? She slept her way to the top with then San Francisco mayor Willie Brown. Hey, if the Democrats can thrive on being rumor mongers then turnabout is fair.

USA Today published an editorial stating Brett Kavanaugh should not be able to coach his daughters softball team or be around young children until he has been proven innocent of all charges against him.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Minniesota, while questioning Kavanaugh, said she would not vote for him because he was nominated by Donald Trump.

Folks, you tell me. Who are the evil people in government? This cabal is another in a long line of
attempts to destroy the Trump administration.

"Off with their heads".

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