Sunday, September 23, 2018

Time Heals All Wounds

I'm finishing watching the closing ceremony of the FedEx golf tournament. It's the wrap up on the PGA Tour for 2018.

After five years Tiger(need I say his last name) won for the first time after five years. They(whoever they are) said he'd never win again.

I can remember five years ago when he got into a kerfuffle with then wife Erin. Stories came out he had a iphone loaded with hundreds of names of hookers.

I live across the street from Muirfield Village Golf Club. Prior to his messy divorce and the bad press when Tiger played the Memorial tournament it would be like the Secret Service protecting a president. Getting close to him was impossible. After his reputation was ruined nobody watched him warming up on the range. A couple of years ago he finished last in the tournament and was the first guy to finish. He didn't even have a rabbit with him.

Once again, after today's tourney he has risen from the ashes. There will be thousands who will tell us they saw him play in person. Whoop de do.

I wonder if someone will interview his ex-wife.

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