Saturday, September 29, 2018

Abortions Up Only 1% in Ohio '17

A one per cent rise in abortions isn't much. It's not like 15% or 20%. This is the statistic from the Ohio Dept. of Health.

There were only 20,803 babies murdered in this State in 2017. Divide this by 365. I'd say there's a whole lot of irresponsible sex taking place not only here in all across the fruited plain.

Women must carry a lot of burden when it comes to unwanted pregnancies. All they have to do is keep their legs crossed; just say 'No". Women have the power. Isn't it they who said, "I am women. Hear me roar". If they can't fold their thighs it means rape and send the perp to jail for a very long time.

I can remember the the when all Democrats wanted was for abortions to be safe, legal and rare.

God help us!

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