Thursday, October 31, 2019

Katie Hill Pulled A Hillary

The newly resigned California congressman, Katie Hill, pulled all kinds of excuses out of the hat to explain why she was forced out of office.

First, she blamed, without naming him, Brett Kavanaugh. She blamed Donald Trump for his misbehavior. She blamed any number of congressmen for past sexual transgressions.

In that one regard she's probably correct. Millions of dollars have been paid out to the sexually abused by those in power.

The problem with Katie is she allowed herself to be photographed naked, boobs and all. She let a tattoo of the Nazi high command emblazoned on her tummy be visible. Ms. Katie was holding a bong while being photographed. The French kissing with a young female aide didn't go over well, either.

In this day and age of instant news Ms. Hill was a victim of her own undoing. She should stop playing the Hillary card and go home to California.

It didn't help her that not one California constituent came to her aid. After all it is an election year.

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