Friday, October 11, 2019

The Winds Of War

I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree. In reality, when it comes to foreign and domestic policy from the government, unlike Joe Schmo on the street, I'm pretty much clueless unlike folks from Podunk Center, Ohio who send in letters to the editor to the Columbus Dispatch. They'll start of with: "We ain't got no". It makes me jealous.

There's been a big flap from congress about Trump's decision to pull our troops out of Syria. As I recall when Trump was elected the Lefties moaned because he was going to get us into continuous wars. Hmmm!

Republican senators, can you say Lindsey Graham, are outspoken against troops move. I've studied some history in my life. It seems to me the members of congress who want to put young kids life on the line have been for some time suffering erectile dysfunction due to old age.

Trump wishes to be a policemen in the world. I like that. And for those who are against his policy didn't he say in his 2016 campaign he wanted to bring home the boys? The Russians should have taught us a lesson in Afghanistan. They were there for ten years and got their collective asses kicked. We've been there since post 9/11 and nothing has changed except for the lives lost by our armed forces.

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