Saturday, March 28, 2020

Saturday: A Day With Nothing

Her Majesty sent me to Kroger food this morning. She needed yeast for cooking. They didn't have any. In times like these it must be good to be Jewish.

I watched a W.C. Fields film this afternoon. I defy anyone to come up with funnier movies than were made in the old days. Speaking of funny. I spend a great deal of time looking at old Johnny Carson clips with Buddy Hackett. His stories are so hilarious. You should You Tube his Duck Story. You won't be sorry. The best aspect of Carson is it's not political as it is with the hate filled people of today.

We're supposed to have rain in Central Ohio for the next 36 hours. This is good. My pooch hates going outside in the rain. How he can hold it in is beyond me but I like I don't have to put on my galoshes.

I've decided to wear my same jeans for as long as I'm sequestered. Oh, I'll wash them but since no one's around I'll put on my bathrobe until they dry out.

I've had gasoline in my tank I put in three weeks ago. I'm saving money. Who says sickness isn't profitable.

Had enough of this nonsense? So have I.

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