Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Had Enough?

 For you regular readers you know I've spent a great deal of time giving alternative views on the Covid and vaccines. I've presented viewpoints offered by learned doctors like Dr. Scott Atlas, Dr. Harvey Risch and Dr. Marty Makary. They are voices of reason. 

I wrote the Council Bluffs Cowboy this morning and stated, "If I died in 9 years at age 85 there would be folks out there saying, "I told him he should get vaccinated but he wouldn't listen. It serves him right." 

During this time we're going to be subjected to another speech from Der Leader this evening. He's been touting for us unvaccinated that we're facing a 'Winter of Death". He is such a unifying figure, isn't he?

There was a death from Omicron yesterday. It was of a fully vaccinated guy, age 50, who had had the Covid already. Later on in the story about him it was stated he had other underlying health conditions.

On a more positive note today begins the start of days getting longer. Feel better now?

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