Thursday, February 25, 2021

Good-Bye Mr. Potato Head

 It never entered my mind that food companies would rid themselves of the Aunt Jemimah's, Mrs. Butterworth's, Uncle Ben's products. Personally, I'd be more than pleased to have my name on a product, Plus, I'd receive royalties.

This week an Indian chief out of Miami, Oklahoma came out and stated it's offensive to have the Jeep Cherokee. Why? I wonder if the Ford Fairlane feels that way. Or the Celantra, whatever moniker these names adorn. I now drive a Suburu Outback. Doesn't this refer to Australian pygmies?

But today we have a new politically correct item out of the Hasbro Toy Company and this involves gender assignment. No more will there be a Mr. Potato Head because, well, there are no such genders. From now on it'll be Potato Head.

This brings me to other considerations. Will Burger King go by the board. How about Mr. Clean. And to add insult to injury there should be no more Dairy Queen.

Don't worry about the candy bar, Mr. Goodyear. It's reputation is safe. It has nuts.

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