Saturday, February 20, 2021

What's Up With Climate Change?

 The doomsday crowd is having a field day with climate change. According to the them the real reason for the frigid temperatures in our country is because Antarctica is warming. Isn't this like the COVID threat? There's always a reason and no solutions.

John Kerry, you remember him, is our new Climate Czar. He came out again yesterday and said our planet has only nine years to survive. Hell! We doomed. Nothing can be done now as well it should be.

Why not take their own advice and follow the science.

 "In 1979 -- when the scientific consensus was global cooling -- Dr. Leona Libby(Look her up. She's a wunderkind) forecast a rise in temperatures until the year 2000 when it would get colder again for the next 50 years.

" 'Easily one to two degrees,' she told the Los Angeles Times. 'And maybe even three or four degrees. It takes only 10 degrees to bring on an Ice Age.'

"The first half of her prediction proved true. Temperatures peaked in 1998."

Folks, the earth's orbit is slingshotting away from the sun. It's not a man made plan. It's God's plan.

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