Sunday, February 21, 2021

What Joey B's First 30 Days Have Wrought

 Using the same criteria the current holder of the Oval Office chair is using in criticizing Donald Trump for COVID deaths we can now give him a tally of nearly 100,000 in a month. Didn't hear that on the MSM, did you?

Remember when JB stated Trump didn't have a plan for COVID?. He now says he doesn't either and that the vaunted masks will have to be worn through the end of the year. Bidenite also says that he expects we can get back to normalcy(whatever that is) by the end of 2022. Yesterday in Portage, Michigan he visited a Pfizer plant where the vaccine is made. How's this for a non-brilliant and uncomforting statement? "Even if you do receive two shots you should still wear a mask", said the Pretender. Seriously?

He also stated, earlier, that it will be awhile before we can get a handle on the virus. "Hey, Nimrod, you told the people all this past year you had a plan. Where the Hell did it go.""

I ask a certain segment of society, what did you expect when you cast your vote? Without saying the name of Trump why did you vote for Biden? What plans for the future, Joey's agenda, did you like? Did you hope for $4.00 per gallon gas. Do you like the idea we're re-joining the Paris Peace Accords? Have you ever even heard of this scam to rid you of your tax dollars. Did you wish for reparations for Blacks? It's on the way. In areas of foreign policy how will we acquiesance?  The biggest polluters in the world are China and India. We're working our tails off to eliminate greenhouse gases. If the government had brain one they'd concentrate on nuclear energy. But, we pay the bulk of the money to implement John Kerry's plans. Oh, if you didn't hear we have, according to Kerry, 9 years to get our act together before the planet is dead. Why don't you give yourself a history lesson. Go back to the First Earth Day in 1970 and work your way forward to all those doomsday prognosticators in the last 51 years who have forecast our demise. It's more than one and these idiots are all a part of the Leftist regime. 

Do you really want men to be in an area where they can easily get their hands on you daughters? There's a new bill on the table. It's called the Equity Act; equality between men and women. Who doesn't want that? The problem for me is women have far more equality than men in my home and I suspect in most across this great land. Women rule and for the last 51 years one in particular has dominated me. As I've said many times after the Queen says something to me that I don't like I have two words for her, "Yes dear". If you don't think this is the way it is then guess again. That, my friends is male/female equality.

I purchased a shotgun four months ago. There's a new bill on the table from the Dems regarding guns. For every weapon in YOUR home it must be registered. You, the gun owner would be required to pay an $800 tax on each. Failure to comply would be an assessed $10,000 fine and a year in jail. Does this sound like the United States of America we grew up in or does it smack of Venezuela?

The current administration, via 52 Executive Orders, has mandated that 25,000 migrants be allowed in the country. Why? What will they add to society? It's not like there will be thousands of Enrico Fermi's and Albert Einstein's coming here. It costs the American taxpayer, on average, $60,000 to take care of a migrant familyof four. in 'bennies'. And what do we get in return? Well, Democrat votes in perpetuity would be a good answer.

When you voted Biden did you give much thought to the plan for the cancelation of student debt. I did. Back between 1964-68 I did something really ridiculous. I worked my way through college. What an idiot! There are two plans for debt relief. Joey wants to cancel debt of up to $10,000. The dunderheads like Elizabeth Warren are appalled and his lack of empathy. They're pushing for $50,000. The Leftist media are all for this. How many blue collar workers, those who left high school for a trade school or went directly into the workforce, will want to pay for some dweeb who got a degree in underwater basketweaving? It doesn't make much sense to me but I'm not in Congress.

The Equity Act was introduced by the Democrats in 2019 but went nowhere because the R's controlled the Senate. Not so now. Let's say for example your church is having a spaghetti dinner or some other fund raising event. The Catholic Church is the king of these fundraisers. Did you know under this piece of legislation restrooms MUST be opened to all because members of the general public might attend. Remember that when you send your six year old daughter into that stall. If the rule is violated that church can expect a maximum of a $1,000 fine to be exacted. So, I aks you again: what policies of Biden's did you think would change your life and that of your family for the better? And, I've written before the fact that boys can identify as girls then compete in athletic events. I have four grandsons. Two of them are athletes.  It's about time for Grandpa to wise them up. If they want to get a trophy and a slew of medals then they'd better start carrying a Tampax in their hip pockets. Can you say t-r-a-n-s-i-t-i-o-n?

There are seemingly two qualifications for getting a job in the Bideniski Administration: 1) Are you of a color other than White and 2) are you female? All others need not apply. 

After reading this piece one might believe I'm not giving these people a fair chance. You'd be correct. Unlike Dorothy's Scarecrow I have a brain.

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