As you may or may not know our residence of Dublin, Ohio is a suburb of Columbus(pop.700,000), Including the burbs the total number of people is around 1.7 million give or take a few thousand.
This afternoon Joe Biden came to town for a speech. The television and newspaper folks were all excited about a fake president gracing our presence. Trump always had the big boys out so why not Joe?
I took a gander at a video of his arrival into town. There must have been 25 official cars; Secret Service, the media---who knows what the others contained?
This photo was taken fifteen minutes prior to his arrival.
Notice anything? Can you see the throng waiting to greet the guy who garnered 81 million votes in the past election? What must a person think when they(Biden) can only have(there was a head count) of 24 deluded souls to cheer on the leader of the free world?
The video will convince you.
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