Friday, March 26, 2021

Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

Have you ever stopped to consider the number of taxes you are required to pay via government licensing? It's an incredible list. A decade back a cousin sent me a booklet of all federal and state taxes. I can't even begin to tell you how many pages it contained but it was more than the Bible.

There is absolutely nothing we can do about the situation, either. We have an albatross lake home in Minnesota. It's The Queen's Palace. Were it up to me that place would have been burned to the ground at the turn of the century. And to make matters worse we received the quarterly taxes in today's mail. I also own a boat. I pay taxes on it even though I only use it two weeks out of the year. When I do go 'Up North' I have to purchase an out of state fishing license; $90. I wish I would hurry up and turn 90 then a license fee wouldn't be required. If I don't buy a license and the game warden nails me I pay a fine beginning at $150. There are all kinds of stipulations on this. I could be sent to jail depending on the violations. So, I've come up with a plan. The next time we go to the lake I'm going to have an illegal immigrant on stand-by to go with me in the boat. I mean, who's going to bother arresting a guy by the name of Pedro?

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