Thursday, March 25, 2021

Things That Will Never Happen

Will Rogers was a wonderful witticist and humorist who sprang out of the plains of Oklahoma in the 1930's. He made light of politicians to their faces and got away with it. Those were simpler times.

Anyway, one of his trusims was, "Everybody talks about the weather but don't do anything about it." We, the people are constantly being inundated with what must and must not happen in politics. How many times have we heard there must be term limitations in Congress? Ten thosand and one, maybe.

What are the chances of term limits? None unless you believe congressmen would initiate a law to restrict their rights to steal and plunder from their constitutents. 

Here's another one to make us want to rip out or hair and it came from Charleton Heston: "You can take my gun from my cold dead hands." It's going to happen in one form or another like it or not.

California has decreed by 2036 all cars will be electric. Seriously? The people be damned it's going to happen. For me it makes no difference. I'll be with my departed ancestors.*

My question is, if governemt is 'We The People' why isn't it?

*Why you should buy a Toyota-When Toyota offers an opinion on the car market, it’s probably worth listening to. This week, Toyota reiterated an opinion it has offered before. That opinion is straightforward: The world is not yet ready to support a fully electric auto fleet. 

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