Wednesday, February 3, 2021

CDC Issues Super Bowl Guidelines

 Among the recommendations, the CDC wants you to keep your mouth closed during the big game. “Avoid chanting or cheering. Stomp, clap, or bring hand-held noisemakers instead,” the CDC says.

The agency adds that outside parties are better, but even in cold weather medical masks should be worn under scarves or ski masks. And, regardless, the CDC warns folks not to invite people with whom they do not live to their party.

Among its many suggestions, the CDC says to have less alcohol at your party. The agency also says to use “touchless payment methods” if you want to help pay for the party, to wear masks at all times, to avoid crowding and creating “congested areas,” and to avoid using the restroom during “high traffic times” so as to further “social distancing.”

In other words, the CDC is saying, 'don't enjoy yourself and don't have any fun'.

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