Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A Story About Nothing

I've been trying to come up with one of those interest stories from my past but it just ain't there.

The Queen was in D.C. for three days visiting her cousin who is married to a member of the House of Representatives from Colorado. He took his wife and mine to Trump Towers for breakfast but another cousin who is a flaming liberal and teaches at Georgetown Univ. opted out. Their speculation was probably correct, if you know what I mean.

We're down to one vehicle---again. I'll see if we can get by until next summer.

We're driving down to White Sulpher Springs, West Virginia next week to spend time with longtime friends from my central Iowa home town. No, we aren't staying at the Greenbrier. We'll tour the place but when it comes to laying my head on a pillow I'd rather spend around a hundred, not hundreds.

My high school class had their 55th reunion last week-end. I didn't go. I heard they're going to start having them every two years. We all know the reason why for that and it isn't a pretty thought.

Speaking of birthdays my eldest grandchild celebrated his 15th yesterday. Can it be true? We now have on three out of ten who jump for joy when they see us. The others see us and say, "Hi Grandpa, hi Grandma. Good-bye, I'm going over to a friends house". That's the way it is with youngsters. They'be be surprised when someday I'm laid out in the casket and they wish they'd spoken to me more.

If I didn't go to my dentist, general practitioner doctor or Wallgreen's for my medicines I'd have very few places to go. Oh, I forgot about church. Speaking of which I've hauled my sorry but out of bed at 6:30 am to attend a men's group at our church to discuss marriage issues. It's very, very interesting.

Good news. I took Charlie out for his constitutional this morning and he found the perfect spot to unload within five minutes. He got an "Atta boy".

I've on a weight reduction journey for the last three weeks. I'm down by 3 lbs. I must be doing something wrong.

I told you this was a blog about nothing.

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