Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Guess Who's Making Money

 Is it only me or does it seem with this new variant the hospitals are being loaded with patients? I wonder why considering Omnicron deaths are minimal. If you know me you know these statements were teasers.

Even when the Covid began hospitals were beneficiaries of the governments coffers aka the people. I mean, hospitals were awarded $10k for admitting patients and 36K if they were on ventilators. Heck, for that kind of money I would have dressed up my pooch in a human costume.

The American Thinker has published a very nice thinking man's article on the subject. I suppose I should have written thinking women's article but that just me.

Remdesivir, Tony Fauci's drug of choice, is harmful and sometimes a killer, and they know it.  It causes severe side-effects in the majority of patients.  Besides long-term kidney and liver failure, the death rate using it exceeds 50%.  Doctors stopped using it for Ebola in Africa for this reason, yet we mandate it as the drug of choice — even when ivermectin has proven far more efficacious and has virtually no side-effects.  Hospitals get paid very well to administer Remdesivir.  Then there's the ventilator, itself a killer.  Look at the article — the numbers these mechanical breathing devices kill are staggering.

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