Monday, June 22, 2020

Workers Don't Protest

I've said it all along. How can these yahoos protest all day, burn, loot and pillage then wake up and go to work the next day which is impossible to do because they're looting? In other words, they don't have jobs. The upper ups are funded by all types and varieties. Their underlings receive money for being good little communists.

But, I think we're missing another more important factor. Where in the heck are mom and dad in all this? They have to know something's up with their kids. Have you noticed most of the white trouble makers are female? Call me goofy but my guess is they're college educated and marxist indoctrinated by tools of Marx. You know I'm right, right?

I was trying to place myself into the picture as a parent of one of these ding dongs. Sorry, I can't do it.

Remember all those cartoons about kids getting participation trophies for doing nothing? The chickens have come home to roost.

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