Tuesday, August 24, 2021

As If I Didn't Have Enough To Worry About

 In the big scheme of things I should have been a research scientist. Know why? Because they study subjects and topics that absolutely no one cares about and they get paid for it.

I don't want to screw up your day and have you give thoughts to swallowing a gun but these scientists came up with an earth shattering conclusion: eating one hot dog takes 36 minutes off our precious lives. I'm wondering if it makes a different as to what kind of meat and from what.

Here's another classic study funded no doubt by us through our government. Research scientists have determined that cuddling with or sleeeping with your dog makes you less susceptible to stress. God Lord Almighty, all they had to do was come to my house except they should come after I've had my first cup of coffee.

There was a senator out of Oklahoma a few years ago; might have been Jim Coburn who yearly published a list of wasterful spending by our government of ridiculous projects. I should have researched this and put on a link but you're not helpless. Besides, I need a second and third cup o' joe before I do these tasks.

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