Sunday, September 26, 2021

A Sobering Statistic

 I won't go on a mask rant today but will present a fact or two for your consumption. There's a movement around the country to mask kids as young at 2. I doubt little thought has been given to the long term mental problems these kids will face.

According to the CDC the number of six year olds dying of Covid is 6 out of 4 million children in this country. As one approaches age 12 the number of deaths skyrockets to 10. That would be ten as in one more than nine and one less than 11.

If you aren't impressed with these numbers I suggest you research the number of children from birth to age 12 who are killed in car accidents, accidental gun shootings, falling out of trees or off garage roofs. How about those who die from ingesting a cleaning fluid from under the kitchen sink? Or, consider the children who are murdered by abusive parents, those who don't force their children into masks.

In driving to Giant Eagle Food store I wondered what life would be like for kids in say, 2040. Young Tommy gets invited for a sleepover at his pal, Jeffs.

Mom says, "Did you pack clean underwear?" Tommy: "Yes, mom". The mom says, "Did you pack clean socks?" Tommy, "Yes, mom" Mom then asks, "Did you pack a clean mask." Tommy says, "Hey mom, bite it!"

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