Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Get Prepared For The Big Speech

How much longer do you think Mr. & Mrs. America will tolerate the lockdowns and Covid info in general?

It's going to end soon because, well, it's all about politics. Everything is about politics. Very soon we can expect Joey B. to have a news conference and give us the long awaited news:

“My Fellow Americans -- Our long national nightmare is over.  The pandemic is a thing of the past and I am ordering the end of all federal COVID-related efforts and I implore those governors who have not lifted their emergency orders to do so immediately.  It’s time for all of us to get back to normal.”

Given Biden’s speech and cognition issues, he will most likely actually say ‘My Felericans -- our long natural fair is covered,” but that is beside the point -- his political facts of life demand that this moment must occur within the next few months. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/01/the_political_timing_of_the_end_of_the_pandemic.html

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