Tuesday, January 18, 2022

It's Enough To Make A Person Throw Up

 Here I sit in upscale Dublin, Ohio. There are minimal murders(two in the last 15 years) but in our metropolitan area of Columbus Ohio(1.7 million) there were two stories over the week-end that absolutely gave me the willies. 

On the southeast part of town a young man of 13 was shoveling his sidewalk. It was 7 pm at night. Four guys, and they were describes as me, walked up to him and started talking. Then one of these pieces of vermin pulled out a gun and shot him in the abdomen. Fortunately, the lad survived.

Twenty miles south of Columbus is a community called Circleville. It's an okay place-----sometimes. A mother and father, and I use these words reluctantly, had two children ages 20 months and 3 years. The youngest died from-----fentanyl ingestion. A good guess for this would be the child was cranky and the 'parents' wanted to calm her down. Oh yeah, the other child is in the hospital also with fentanyl sickness.

The parents are not exactly poster people for Good Housekeeping and I sort of doubt either has a GED but here they are.

Nicholas D. Lee, 25, and Brianna E. Roush, 26, both of Circleville, each are charged with involuntary manslaughter, attempted involuntary manslaughter, two counts each child endangering, trafficking in fentanyl, and possession of fentanyl and cocaine.

Have you barfed yet?

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