Monday, March 21, 2022

Bloomberg News Advice On Inflation

 Most everyone is feeling the pinch. The Queen and I have been subsisting on boiled tree bark and crocus leaves. Even so, we're still trying to cut corners on spending to maintain our social security funds.

The wizards at Bloomberg News had a couple of brilliant ideas on how to survive this inflationary period. (1) People who make less than $300K a year are going to have to start existing on lentils and beans. Don't beans cause gas? Either way we're destroying our climate. (2) If you have a pet Bloomberg suggests the critters should be euthanized for the good of society. They didn't say Spot and Puff should be consumed but once we get started I'd assume this is the next step to wiping out world hunger.

Why in God's sweet name would anyone listen to the media, most of which is a huge part of the East Coast piss pot of liberalism. 

Hey Bloomberg, it ain't gonna happen.

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